Excel VBAでICカード(Felica)を読み込むサンプル
Excel VBAでICカード(Felica)を読込むサンプルです。外部ライブラリは使っていませんので、何かインストールする必要はありません。
- 個人利用/商用問わず、自由にお使いいただけますが、不具合等の一切の理由を問わず、サポートについては別途有償対応とさせていただきます。また、著作権は放棄しておりません。
- SONY製 RC-S380で動作確認しています。旧版のカードリーダではおそらく動作しません。
- TypeB(マイナンバーカード等)の場合は乱数値(PUPI)を返すので、実質、使えません。。。
- VBEを開き、標準モジュールに下記コードを設定します。
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Option Explicit '' ********************* '' API宣言 '' ********************* Private Declare PtrSafe Function SCardEstablishContext Lib "winscard.dll" ( _ ByVal dwScope As Long, _ ByVal pvReserved1 As Long, _ ByVal pvReserved2 As Long, _ ByRef phContext As LongPtr) As LongPtr Private Declare PtrSafe Function SCardConnectA Lib "winscard.dll" ( _ ByVal hContext As LongPtr, _ ByVal szReaderName As String, _ ByVal dwShareMode As Long, _ ByVal dwPrefProtocol As Long, _ ByRef hCard As LongPtr, _ ByRef activeProtocol As Long) As LongPtr Private Declare PtrSafe Function SCardDisconnect Lib "winscard.dll" ( _ ByVal hCard As LongPtr, _ ByVal Disposition As Long) As LongPtr Private Declare PtrSafe Function SCardListReaders Lib "winscard.dll" Alias "SCardListReadersA" ( _ ByVal hContext As LongPtr, _ ByVal mzGroup As String, _ ByVal ReaderList As String, _ ByRef pcchReaders As Long) As LongPtr Private Declare PtrSafe Function SCardTransmit Lib "winscard.dll" ( _ ByVal hCard As LongPtr, _ ByRef pioSendRequest As SCARD_IO_REQUEST, _ ByRef sendbuff As Byte, _ ByVal SendBuffLen As Long, _ ByRef pioRecvRequest As SCARD_IO_REQUEST, _ ByRef RecvBuff As Byte, _ ByRef RecvBuffLen As Long) As LongPtr Private Type SCARD_READSTATE szReader As String pvUserData As LongPtr dwCurrentState As LongPtr dwEventState As LongPtr cbAtr As LongPtr rgbAtr(36) As Byte End Type Private Type SCARD_IO_REQUEST dwProtocol As Long cbPciLength As Long End Type Private Const SCARD_SHARE_SHARED As Long = 2 Private Const SCARD_PROTOCOL_T1 As Long = 2 Private Const SCARD_LEAVE_CARD As Long = 0 '' ********************* '' モジュール変数 '' ********************* Private hContext As LongPtr Private readerState As SCARD_READSTATE '' ********************* '' 関数本体 '' ********************* '' Windows標準APIなので、外部ライブラリなくても動きます '' ・エラーの場合、ERROR:で始まるメッセージを返す '' 正常読込の場合、UIDを返す '' ・カードリーダは、SONY RC-S380のみ動作確認 '' ・TypeBの場合は乱数値(PUPI)を返すので、実用は無理 Public Function readUID() As String Const SCARD_SCOPE_USER As Integer = 0 Dim ret As LongPtr Dim pcchReaders As Long Dim mszReaders As String Dim readerArray() As String ret = SCardEstablishContext(SCARD_SCOPE_USER, 0, 0, hContext) If ret <> 0 Then readUID = "ERROR:初期化処理に失敗しました!" Exit Function End If pcchReaders = 256 If readerState.szReader = "" Then '文字列サイズ取得 ret = SCardListReaders(hContext, vbNullString, mszReaders, pcchReaders) If ret <> 0 Then readUID = "ERROR:カードリーダが見つかりません!" Exit Function End If 'リーダー名称取得 mszReaders = String$(pcchReaders, vbNullChar) ret = SCardListReaders(hContext, vbNullString, mszReaders, pcchReaders) If ret <> 0 Then readUID = "ERROR:カードリーダが見つかりません!" Exit Function End If readerArray = Split(mszReaders, vbNullChar) readerState.dwCurrentState = 0 readerState.szReader = readerArray(0) ''Debug.Print "Reader -> " ''Debug.Print readerState.szReader End If Dim hCard As LongPtr Dim activeProtocol As Long 'カード通信処理 ret = SCardConnectA(hContext, readerState.szReader, SCARD_SHARE_SHARED, SCARD_PROTOCOL_T1, hCard, activeProtocol) If ret <> 0 Then readUID = "ERROR:正しいカードをセットしてください!" Exit Function End If Dim sendBuffer(4) As Byte Dim recvBuffer(255) As Byte Dim recvLen As Long Dim ioSendReq As SCARD_IO_REQUEST Dim ioRecvReq As SCARD_IO_REQUEST ioSendReq.dwProtocol = activeProtocol ioSendReq.cbPciLength = Len(ioSendReq) ioRecvReq.dwProtocol = activeProtocol ioRecvReq.cbPciLength = Len(ioSendReq) '送信バッファ sendBuffer(0) = &HFF sendBuffer(1) = &HCA sendBuffer(2) = &H0 sendBuffer(3) = &H0 sendBuffer(4) = &H0 'データ受信 recvLen = 255 ret = SCardTransmit(hCard, ioSendReq, sendBuffer(0), 5, ioRecvReq, recvBuffer(0), recvLen) If ret <> 0 Then readUID = "ERROR:ID取得エラー(Transmit:" & Hex(ret) & ")" GoTo ExitProc End If 'データチェック If recvBuffer(recvLen - 2) <> &H90 Then readUID = "ERROR:ID取得エラー(読込異常:" & Hex(recvBuffer(0)) & "," & Hex(recvBuffer(1)) & ")" GoTo ExitProc End If ExitProc: 'カード切断処理 ret = SCardDisconnect(hCard, SCARD_LEAVE_CARD) If ret <> 0 Then MsgBox ("ERROR:切断エラー " + Hex(ret)) Exit Function End If '読込データセット Dim cardData As String Dim i As Long cardData = "" ''For i = 0 To 8 '' If Chr(recvBuffer(i)) <> Space(1) Then '' cardData = cardData & Hex(recvBuffer(i)) '' '' Debug.Print Format(i, "00") & ":"; recvBuffer(i) & ":" & Hex(recvBuffer(i)) '' End If ''Next '' 2024.1.23 カードID読取り不具合修正 For i = 0 To 7 If Chr(recvBuffer(i)) <> Space(1) Then cardData = cardData & Right("0" & Hex(recvBuffer(i)), 2) '' Debug.Print Format(i, "00") & ":"; recvBuffer(i) & ":" & Hex(recvBuffer(i)) End If Next '' Debug.Print cardData readUID = cardData End Function |
- readUID関数を呼び出し、ICカードのUIDを取得します。
たとえば、イミディエイトウインドウで 「? readUID」
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- その他、軽微なお問合せはtwitter(@excelive)でも受け付けます。
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